Accreditation Canada Celebrates 65 Years of Quality Improvement in Health Care

By | Jul. 12, 2023 |

At ISQua EEA (ISQua External Evaluation Association) we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Accreditation Canada (AC) on their momentous 65th anniversary.

International Approaches to Implementing Accreditation Programs in Healthcare Facilities

By | Jun. 13, 2023 |

I would like to point your attention to a paper that has just been published in the International Journey for Quality in Health Care by Ellen Joan van Vliet and co-workers.

ISQua EEA Annual Report 2022

By | Jun. 8, 2023 |

We are delighted to share our 2022 Annual Report, which aims to provide our stakeholders with an overview of our deliverables in the past year. 

Dr Carsten's visit to Sao Paulo

By | Jun. 6, 2023 |

I have recently returned from Sao Paulo, Brazil, where I had the honour of being invited to give a presentation on “International impacts of platforms and digital transformation

Quality and Patient Safety Training Programmes

By | May. 26, 2023 |
ISQua EEA has developed the Guidelines and Standards for Quality and Patient Safety Training Programmes to facilitate the assessment of quality and patient safety continuous professional development training programmes/courses.

White Paper: Clarifying the concept of external evaluation

By | Jul. 7, 2021 |

In healthcare, the idea of external evaluation took hold with quiet beginnings almost 100 years ago when Ernest Codman, a pioneering American surgeon hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, had the bright idea of suggesting that clinicians and hospitals follow patients and assess whether the outcomes of their treatments were realised.

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