ISQua EEA Awards Ceremony 2023

ISQua EEA Awards Ceremony 2023


August 17, 2023

Tags awards ISQua EEA ISQua2023

The ISQua EEA Awards Ceremony held at the annual ISQua conference acknowledges those client organisations who have had a set of standards, a surveyor training programme or their organisation accredited with the ISQua External Evaluation Association (ISQua EEA) in the previous year. This year’s ceremony will take place on Tuesday the 29th of August at 10:00 am in the auditorium of the COEX Convention Centre in Seoul. Twenty-eight organisations from 23 countries/regions will have awards acknowledged at this year’s ceremony.

This includes two organisations from this year’s conference host country – the Republic of Korea namely the Korea Institute for Healthcare Accreditation and the Laboratory Medicine Foundation. It was a year of firsts for many organisations, with new client organisations from Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia achieving ISQua EEA accreditation of their standards for the first time, while a client organisation in Romania achieved organisational accreditation for the first time and another in Korea had their surveyor training programme accredited for the first time. Existing clients based in Canada, India and Egypt also had additional sets of standards accredited with ISQua EEA for the first time. Most awards being acknowledged are re-accreditation awards which demonstrates the commitment of our client organisations to quality improvement as they continue to continuously evaluate and update their own standards or surveyor training programmes or their own processes and procedures as external evaluation organisations.

The first client to undergo an assessment under the new Standards Recognition Programme will also be acknowledged at this year’s award ceremony. The Flanders Quality Model (FlaQuM) of Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy from Belgium achieved Standards Development Recognition in 2023. We would like to extend our sincerest congratulations to all organisations for their achievement of ISQua EEA accreditation or recognition and the ongoing commitment that this embodies to continuous quality improvement.

International Accreditation Programme (IAP) Awards

Australia Australian Council on Healthcare Standards EQuIP7 Residential and Home Care Services Standards
BahrainNational Health Regulatory AuthorityAccreditation Standards for Hospital Facilities V1 & Accreditation Standards for Medical Centres V2
BrazilOrganização Nacional de AcreditaçãoManual for Healthcare Service Providers
CanadaAccreditation CanadaOrganisational accreditation Surveyor training programme 
CanadaCollege of Physicians & Surgeons of AlbertaDiagnostic Imaging Accreditation StandardsSleep Medicine Diagnostic Standards
CanadaCollege of Physicians & Surgeons BC: Diagnostic Accreditation Program of British ColumbiaOrganisational AccreditationLaboratory MedicineAccreditation StandardsDiagnostic Imaging Standards
EgyptThe General Authority For Healthcare Accreditation & RegulationHandbook for Mental Health Hospitals
FranceHaute Autorité de SantéOrganisational AccreditationSurveyor Training Programme
GermanyTemos InternationalExcellence in Medical Tourism, Outpatient Care and Quality in Medical Care Standards
IndiaCentre for Accreditation of Health and Social CareQuality and Accreditation InstituteAccreditation Standards for Hospitals
JapanJapan Council for Quality Health CareHospital Standards
JordanHealth Care Accreditation Council Organisational Accreditation
Republic of KoreaKorea Institute for Healthcare Accreditation Surveyor Training ProgrammeHospital Accreditation Standards
Republic of KoreaLaboratory Medicine FoundationSurveyor Training ProgrammeLaboratory Medicine Accreditation Program Standards
New ZealandBSI Group Organisational Accreditation
RomaniaRomanian National Authority of Quality Management in Healthcare Organisational Accreditation
Saudi ArabiaDr Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Services Group Person Centered Care Clinical Governance StandardsPerson Centered Care Patient Experience Standards
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare InstitutionsAmbulatory Healthcare Standards
SloveniaAmerican Accreditation Commission International Accreditation Standards for Healthcare Organisations
SpainAndalusian Agency for Health Care Quality Organisational AccreditationClinical Management Unit (UGC) Manual
The NetherlandsQualicor Europe Surveyor Training Programme 
Türkiye Turkish Health Care Quality and Accreditation Institute Surveyor Training ProgrammeDialysis Center Standards
TunisiaInstance Nationale de l’Evaluation et de l’Accréditation en Santé Second- and Third-Line Hospital Standards
United Kingdom CHKSInternational Accreditation Programme for Healthcare Organisations
United States of America Joint Commission InternationalOrganisational AccreditationSurveyor Training Programme
United States of America Global Healthcare Accreditation Programme Medical Services Standards 

Standards Recognition Programme (SRP) Awards

Country/Region   Organisation   Award(s) 
Belgium Leuven Institute for Healthcare PolicyStandards Development Recognition Award for Flanders Quality Model (FlaQuM)

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